Need Legal Help with a Motor Vehicle Accident?

The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control tell us that motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death and physical injuries in the United States. Over 30,000 people die each year, and 2.5 million more receive emergency treatment for vehicular accident injuries.

The related medical costs and productivity losses from these accidents exceed $80 billion annually, further aggravating the incalculable pain and suffering of victims and their families.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

The most common type of motor vehicle accident in the U.S. involves cars, with car occupants making up 37% of all fatalities. Other types of road accidents that can result in personal injuries include:

  • Truck accidents
  • Bus accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents

Common Causes of Road Accidents

Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, often referred to as “DUI”, impairs vision, judgment, and perception on the road. It can increase the risk of causing an accident and, as a consequence, serious injuries – not only to the drunk driver, but to occupants of all vehicles involved. Studies show that as little as 0.02% blood alcohol content can affect visual and motor skills.

Distracted driving: Being involved in another activity such as texting, phoning, or using other cellphone apps while driving, all take a driver’s attention away from the road and surroundings, increasing the chances of a road accident. Operating a GPS system, and eating, are other forms of driver-distraction.

Motor vehicle accident injuries

Depending on the driving speed, type of vehicle, and other contributing factors, passengers and drivers in a motor vehicle accident can suffer catastrophic injuries such as head injury, traumatic brain injury, fractures, and other internal injuries. Many of these injuries require hospitalization and time off from work, to allow for a complete recovery. This, in turn, can lead to overwhelming costs and losses, including job security, for injured parties.

In the U.S., state laws generally allow an injured person to obtain compensation from other persons or parties whose negligence or fault caused their accident. Each state has its own set of rules of civil procedure for filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit.

An initial meeting with a local attorney can produce an analysis of the case and legal options available under the situation.

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